Isnin, 30 April 2012

Unit Amal tidak rempuh polis di KLCC

8 Jamadil Akhir 1433H. [MOD] -

KUALA LUMPUR, 30 April: Unit Amal PAS tidak merempuh polis di KLCC, sebaliknya cuba 'meloloskan diri' melalui ruang kosong yang ditinggalkan polis.

Ketua Keselamatan Unit Amal PAS bagi Himpunan Bersih 3.0, Kamaruzzaman Mohamad menjelaskan terdapat sedikit ruang kosong di persimpangan Jalan P. Ramlee yang membolehkan peserta Anti-Lynas melaluinya untuk ke Dataran Merdeka.

Katanya, sepanjang Jalan Ampang, terdapat hampir 500 anggota polis berbaris bagi menyekat laluan peserta Anti-Lynas bergerak ke Dataran Merdeka.

Bagaimanapun, katanya barisan anggota polis itu hanya memakan sebahagian dari Jalan P. Ramlee, yang menyebabkan Unit Amal PAS berjaya meloloskan diri bersama peserta Anti-Lynas untuk ke Dataran.

"Dalam hal ini, Unit Amal PAS tidak merempuh polis, tetapi mengambil ruang yang terbuka untuk mara ke Dataran Merdeka. Apabila ruang itu ada, mereka bertindak meloloskan diri dan diikuti pengikut Anti-Lynas," jelas beliau pada sidang media, di Pejabat Agung PAS, hari ini.

Dalam pada itu, Ketua Pemuda PAS Pusat, Ustaz Nasruddin Hasan berkata KLCC bukan merupakan kawasan larangan sebagaimana yang diisytiharkan ke atas Dataran Merdeka.

Atas sebab itu, beliau mempersoalkan mengapa pihak polis cuba mengepung di kawasan berkenaan yang tidak diisytiharkan sebagai kawasan larangan.

"Mengapa pihak polis membuat sekatan, sedangkan ia (KLCC) bukan merupakan kawasan larangan sepertimana yang diisytiharkan ke atas Dataran Merdeka?" soal beliau kepada media.

Beliau pada masa sama meminta Sinar Harian agar menarik balik laporan tersebut, selain memohon maaf secara terbuka berhubung laporan mengenai Unit Ama itu.

Selain menyifatkan laporan tersebut sebagai tergesa-
gesa, Nasruddin juga berkata laporan itu dibuat bagi merosakkan reputasi Unit Amal PAS yang mempunyai 'track record' yang bersih selama ini.

Sehari selepas himpunan Bersih 3.0 selesai, akhbar Sinar Harian melaporkan Unit Amal PAS merempuh anggota polis di KLCC bagi meneruskan perarakan ke Dataran Merdeka.

Isnin, 30 April 2012



Kehadiran BERSIH 3.0 berganda dari BERSIH 2.0

AGAK lama blog ini terbiar tanpa kemaskini sejak bermula BERSIH 3.0 kelmarin.  Tidak tahu apa puncanya, semua blog aku tidak boleh masuk untuk dikemaskinikan.  Alhamdulillah, hari ini semua sudah kembali seperti biasa, mungkin BERSIH 3.0 sudah berjaya mencapai matlamat iaitu untuk membuktikan rakyat sudah benci dan meluat dengan segala penipuan SPR yang semakin terserlah.
Bersama segelintir anak muda dari Pahang
Penyelaras SAMM Pahang, Bung Hatta bersama anak buahnya tidor ditepi kawat berduri
Alhamdulillah, rakyat telah bangun untuk buktikan bahawa tidak semua rakyat boleh diperbodohkan sepertimana Shahrizat dan keluarganya memperbodohkan ahli-ahli Umporno tentang isu NFC.  Rakyat juga tidak mudah tertipu dengan gelagat pimpinan Umporno yang mendakwa PTPTN itu adalah tindakan untuk membantu para Mahasiswa melalui budaya berhutang.  Media berlidah syaitan dan Iblis tentunya kecewa apabila propaganda mereka untuk menunjukkan peserta himpunan BERSIH 3.0 adalah ganas ternyata ditolak mentah-mentah oleh rakyat.  Ini adalah kerana di dalam otak masing-masing, mereka sudah `set' di dalam pemikiran mereka semenjak bila TV3 suku dan Utusan Meloya tidak pernah berbohong dan berhenti dari melakukan fitnah?
YB Azmin berucap dikelilingi para Mahasiswa
Hero Mahasiswa Adam Adli
YB Husam Musa
Tahniah dan syabas kepada semua peserta Himpunan BERSIH 3.0.  Apa pun yang berlaku kelmarin tidak akan berlaku jika Najib mempunyai otak dan hati yang bersih.  Contoh terbaik Himpunan Aman adalah seperti di Kuantan baru-baru ini di mana Himpunan Hijau di Padang Kemunting yang dihadiri puluhan ribu berjalan dengan aman, baik dan penuh semangat kesopanan.  Mengapa Himpunan Hijau aman?
Himpunan Hijau berjalan dengan aman walaupun diadakan di lokasi sekitar bandar Kuantan iaitu di Padang MPK 4, Kemunting.  Himpunan ini dikawal dengan baik oleh pihak Polis dan juga turut dibantu oleh Unit Amal dan petugas-petugas.  Hasrat penganjur Himpunan Hijau tercapai iaitu berhimpun di Padang MPK, dan hasrat pihak berkuasa juga tercapai apabila perhimpunan berjalan aman tanpa sebarang kekecohan.  Ertinya apa?  Ertinya, perhimpunan aman boleh dicapai apabila tiada niat jahat untuk menafikan hak dan suara rakyat.
Media pencacai kata peniaga rugi hari itu.....lihat saja dan fikirkan..

Mengapa Himpunan BERSIH 3.0 berlaku kekecohan?  Semua ini berlaku adalah kerana hasrat Penganjur untuk DUDUK DAN BANTAH sahaja di Dataran Merdeka dinafikan.  Mereka membuli Penganjur apabila menawarkan Stadium Merdeka, sedangkan sewaktu Himpunan BERSIH 2.0 dahulu mereka melarang keras penggunaan stadium bersejarah itu.  Apa yang BERSIH minta pasti mereka halang tanpa alasan yang boleh diterima akal.  BERSIH 2.0 mohon untuk berhimpun di Stadium Merdeka, mereka beri alasan kononnya stadium itu amat bersejarah dan tidak boleh dicemari oleh perhimpunan.  Mengapa pula kali ini, apabila Penganjur mohon untuk berhimpun di Dataran Merdeka, secara tiba-tiba Stadium Merdeka tidak lagi mereka anggap `bersejarah' dan mereka mahu BERSIH 3.0 berhimpun di situ?  Tiba-tiba kali ini Dataran Merdeka pula dikatakan `bersejarah' dan tidak boleh dicemari?  Alasan yang langsung tidak konsisten menggambarkan memang ada niat jahat untuk menghalang rakyat dari menyuarakan bantahan mereka.
Mereka tutup jalan, mereka mahu lalu terpaksa redah tempat peserta BERSIH tengah duduk...Tapi kenderaan Polis ini dibiarkan lalu dengan selamat...
Pada Perhimpunan HIJAU di Kuantan, tiada mereka maka semuanya selamat...
Sejak dari awal lagi kita sudah membaca putar belit dan helah mereka.  Bermula dari kenyataan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Hishamuddin bahawa Kerajaan tiada masalah dengan cadangan BERSIH 3.0 untuk berhimpun kerana tidak akan menjejaskan keselamatan.  Kemudiannya, beliau menyerahkan kepada DBKL samada memberikan kebenaran untuk berhimpun.  DBKL pula memberikan berbagai alasan dan menolak permohonan BERSIH untuk berhimpun.  Kita semua tahu Dataran Merdeka adalah satu tempat yang sering orang ramai berhimpun, bukan sahaja duduk malahan melompat, berlari dan berjoget pernah diadakan di situ termasuk menjadi kawasan pendatang asing berkumpul.  amat tidak masuk akal, Himpunan BERSIH 3.0 yang mahu DUDUK DAN BANTAH boleh mencemarkan Dataran Merdeka.
minum teh dulu bro...
Rakyat tidak boleh terima hak mereka dipermainkan begitu sahaja.  Maka, pada 28 April baru-baru ini rakyat hadir beramai-ramai untuk menunjukkan mereka memang serius untuk membantah penipuan SPR di dalam Pilihanraya.  Usah ditanya tentang bukti penipuan, kerana semuanya telah didedahkan melalui media kita bahkan didedahkan juga melalui PSC yang ditubuhkan oleh Parlimen.  Akhirnya, Pengerusi SPR sendiri akui memang ada keraguan terhadap puluhan ribu pengundi dalam Daftar Pemilih.  Tetapi, katanya hanya 0.3 % sahaja daripada jumlah kesemua pengundi berdaftar.  Walaupun kita lihat jumlah itu sedikit, tetapi tahukah SPR bahawa dengan jumlah itu jika sebanyak 2,000 pengundi meragukan itu diagih-agihkan kepada beberapa kawasan Parlimen, ianya boleh membantu lebih dari 20 kawasan Parlimen untuk menang secara kotor?
Paling mengejutkan, dibuktikan bahawa Pengerusi SPR dan Timbalannya adalah ahli UMNO.  Kita membantah bukan kerana ianya ahli Umno, tetapi sewajarnya selaku pihak pengendali mereka patut tidak menyertai mana-mana parti politik, cuma mereka berhak untuk mengundi.  Bayangkan, Pengadil Bolasepak memasuki padang dengan memakai jersey Pahang sewaktu mengadili perlawanan Bolasepak di antara Pahang melawan Selangor.  Apakah penonton dan penyokong boleh terima keadaan sedemikian?
Ini yang BERSIH 3.0 bantah.  Ini yang rakyat mahu beritahu kerajaan.  Apa jua yang terjadi pada 28 April yang lalu berpunca dari kesemuanya ini.  Asasnya adalah hak rakyat dinafikan malahan dipersendakan.  Itu isu pokok kepada apa yang berlaku, usahlah masing-masing menuding jari untuk mendakwa kumpulan ini dan kumpulan itu ganas.  Apa yang jelas, kerajaan di bawah Najib ternyata gagal untuk melakukan transformasi seperti yang dicanang-canangkannya.  Apa yang ada hanya `Robot Transformer' yang sentiasa berubah-ubah menjadi berbagai bentuk dan rupa. Kita simpati kepada nasib yang menimpa kepada kesemua peserta perhimpunan termasuk pihak keselamatan yang berterusan di`buli' oleh rejim Umporno.  
Tiada pilihan lain lagi.   Rejim ini wajib ditumbangkan segera.

Ahad, 29 April 2012

8:00Pm…Mereka Zalimmm…Ini Buktinya

Menurut polis, sehingga jam 7 petang tadi, seramai 222 orang telah ditahan…Kesalahannya Apa? Demo secara Aman,bertukar menjadi kelam kabut akibat kezaliman polis…depa tembak dengan Gas pemedih mata,sembur dengan air kimia…beginikah caranya kerajaan melayan tuntutan rakyat jelata…
Protesters charge at a police vehicle as it sprays them with its water cannons in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Police officers jump in the air to avoid tear gas shells thrown back by protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
A protester throws a tear gas canister back at police in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
A protester kicks away a tear gas canister fired by Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Police unleashed tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators who staged one of Malaysia's largest street rallies in years, demanding fair rules for national elections expected soon.
A protester throws back a tear gas canister fired by Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon.
Protestors challenge police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Anti-riot police drag away an arrested protestor during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Anti-riot police drag away a protestor during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Macam negara tidak bertamadun….Tak malukah kita pada dunia yang menonton peristiwa ini…
Anti-riot police block protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
A protestor shows solidarity with an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
ALTERNATE CROP OF XKL124 - Protesters encounter Malaysian police, not in photo,  during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Police Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) officers, most of whom are not wearing gas masks, prepare to fire tear gas at protesters after they breached the barbed wire perimeter around Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Protestors clash with police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Police remove a protester sitting in front of riot police in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Protestors clash with police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Protesters take cover from tear gas fired by the police during clashes in Kuala Lumpur, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre to demand electoral reforms, raising the risk of a backlash against the government in national elections expected within months. Riot police reacted after some protesters among the crowd of at least 25,000 tried to break through barriers, in defiance of a court order banning them from entering the city's historic Merdeka Square. They fired several dozen tear gas rounds, sending the protesters scattering through nearby streets.
A plain clothed police officer (R) takes aways a protestor during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
A foreign protester was arrested by police during a confrontation on a street near Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre to demand electoral reforms, raising the risk of a backlash against the government in national elections expected within months. Riot police reacted after some protesters among the crowd of at least 25,000 tried to break through barriers, in defiance of a court order banning them from entering the city's historic Merdeka Square. They fired several dozen tear gas rounds, sending the protesters scattering through nearby streets.
A protester lies in front of a water cannon truck during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Police unleashed tear gas and chemical-laced water at thousands of demonstrators who staged one of Malaysia's largest street rallies in years, demanding fair rules for national elections expected soon.
Protesters overturn a police car during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Police unleashed tear gas and chemical-laced water at thousands of demonstrators who staged one of Malaysia's largest street rallies in years, demanding fair rules for national elections expected soon. (AP Photo) MALAYSIA OUT.
Protestors flee as water canon is sprayed to disperse demonstrators during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Protestors are surrounded by tear gas during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Police Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) fire tear gas towards protesters after they breached the barbed wire perimeter around Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Anti-riot police march to disperse protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
A protestor throws back a tear gas canister towards the police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Police Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) officers try to disperse a tear gas canister after a protester threw it back at them during a confrontation on a street near Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Anti-riot police fire tear gas to disperse protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Anti-riot police fire tear gas to disperse protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Police scuffle with protesters during clashes in Kuala Lumpur, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre to demand electoral reforms, raising the risk of a backlash against the government in national elections expected within months. Riot police reacted after some protesters among the crowd of at least 25,000 tried to break through barriers, in defiance of a court order banning them from entering the city's historic Merdeka Square. They fired several dozen tear gas rounds, sending the protesters scattering through nearby streets.
Riot police fire tear gas at protesters in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Protesters march down a street during a rally near Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters calling for fair elections converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre on Saturday for a major demonstration that will test the Malaysian government's reformist credentials and may affect the timing of national polls. Police have shut down much of the city centre and closed off the historic Merdeka (Independence) Square with barriers and barbed wire, enforcing a court order that the protesters should not enter the symbolically important site.
Protesters march down a street during a rally near Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters calling for fair elections converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre on Saturday for a major demonstration that will test the Malaysian government's reformist credentials and may affect the timing of national polls. Police have shut down much of the city centre and closed off the historic Merdeka (Independence) Square with barriers and barbed wire, enforcing a court order that the protesters should not enter the symbolically important site.
Protesters of the Bersih (Clean) group shout slogans near Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters calling for fair elections converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre on Saturday for a major demonstration that will test the Malaysian government's reformist credentials and may affect the timing of national polls. Police have shut down much of the city centre and closed off the historic Merdeka (Independence) Square with barriers and barbed wire, enforcing a court order that the protesters should not enter the symbolically important site.
Malaysian police fire tear gas to protesters during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
mereka mula menyerang …gas pemedih mata mula ditembak…Ya Allah …janganlah buat kerja zalim macam ni…rakyat hanya mahukan jaminan keadilan dalam Pilihanraya…
Shoes and rubbish are seen on a street as protesters run away at background during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Protesters run away from tear gas fired by Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Depa halau rakyat macam lembu kerbau….zalimmm